This user just discovered this substack by seeing the sample post on the "Counter_Economics" subreddit whilst visiting it on a mere whim this morning while waiting for something to occur, elsewhere. Was just in the process of replying to it on there, when seeing the substack link and remembering that this user may be shadowbanned from most of reddit (as usual) and their posts are not always seen, but a reply to the substack-proper would likely be seen (probability being analyzed, again).
Here's what this user's response was on the subreddit (regardless of whether it shows up there or not):
Life, at least as/for what passes for a "human being" (regardless of whether said "humanity" is an amalgamation of other races intermixing or not -- "race", of course, not being a "sOcIaL-CoNsTrUcT" as the Left/State want people to believe; the Negroids are originally from the Sirius-B star system, and many Pacific Asians live in huts shaped like their progenitor's starships, for example) is about the measuring of PROBABILITY and depending on one's individual choices, or perhaps mental conditions (autism, thrill-seekers, etc.), making a decision to gamble on probabilities for certain things at certain thresholds.
As AdamBaratta of "Gold Is A Better Way" said on at least one affiliated "Revealed Films" video with Dr. PatrickGentempo, several years ago, humans can't grasp exponential growth (so, for example, the rate of inflation isn't prominent in everyone's minds).
In the OP above, the author says that people would/should avoid risks and minimize collateral and vices, and gauge the content of a would-be receiver of a loan before granting one.
That may be the way for "Homo economicus", but "Homo economicus" is not what this species, or amalgamation of species is, in its entirety, as some people, for example, women and non-Caucasians, are traditionally/usually more empathetic than men, who are more logical, as the Left/State know and prey upon this fact (thus, why the Left/State are comprised of more women and minorities than the libertarian/AnCap sphere-of-influence at-large).
SOME INVESTORS....ARE more interested in (or at least, not always against the idea of) "maximizing upside" than they are in "minimizing downside". In short, many people are gamblers. Life and living life is, itself, a gamble. "Is one going to die after getting up and out of bed in the morning by stepping on a nail or should they stay in-bed with their insecurities?" Some people are paranoid and some people are not. Some people are nihilists and don't care at all, or made-sociopaths or born-psychopaths who "have no yesterdays" (regrets/empathy).
For some investors who are in a bad spot, who are in poverty and sick of it or otherwise are irrational from external or internal stimuli (cancer, oppression by a gang, etc.) will choose to prioritize "chasing the dragon" and "carrot-on-a-stick" and maximize upside, perhaps at the risk of not minimizing the downside. The Left, State (as a construct) and Central Banks themselves are all caused by, and cause in-turn, irrational behavior by and for those with high-time preference, and they all succumb to "The Shirky Principle" in the end (they create problems for themselves and their supposed protectorate/subscriber in order to stay in-business and retain the faith of the protectorate/subscriber in a grand grift).
[Aside: Am not advocating either way, all the time, am just responding with the fact of the matter to an otherwise very well-written OP; if one is in space, in a failing starship, sometimes risks need to be taken, for example, like the "Ebon Hawk" firing on the volatile asteroid field, blowing up "Peragus" to escape the wannabe-"Sith" who commandeered an old "Republic" battleship and are looking for the player character in "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords", as opposed to playing it safe and risking the cruiser destroying the Ebon Hawk in the asteroid field]
This OP definitely looks like it came from someone who watches their "Shark Tank" and "Dragon's Den" shows! Am also a "fan" of the shows, at least, the concept and some of the products and services featured on them over the decades, just not all the "Sharks" or "Dragons" and their behavior, sometimes. MarkCuban is smart, but also an idiot at-times and with the Democrips and insulted Bitcoin/crypto fans and called them "freaks" and LoriGrenier and ArleneDickinson are just disgusting. /tangent
Anyways, this user has to cut this response short, as, just while typing this, this user was summoned to be somewhere and has to go for now.
Liked the "shame towards the past is an idicator of progress" post, because few realize that "shame" is as much of a "gift" as it can be construed as anything else, and those shameless people are slow to, if at all capable of, learning and growing and establishing and strengthening investor confidence, thus, contributing to irrational and self-destructive behavior that sends shock-waves and causes an "equal and opposite reaction", per the scientific law. Thus, the Left/State who CLAIM to be "pro-science" are NOT, in actuality, pro-science. In some cases, the religious nutjobs are more scientifically-sound than these individuals! Later!
EDIT: Am back.
Addendum 1: None of these professions listed above interest this user. Wanna be a prowrestler, football player, martial-arts fighter, real news journalist/manager/business-owner, crypto-investor/miner, bettor, private investigator/bodyguard, adventurer/explorer, the final president in U.S. history before anarchy, helping usher in "AnCapistan" from the inside, pro-gamer, actor/writer/director, and agorist/expatriate/permanent-traveler, perhaps dabble in farming/cooking, among maybe a few other things.
Notice how some of the top-earning (and least-earning) professions on this list seem to contain a large amount of (perhaps almost as a prerequisite) born-psychopaths and/or made-sociopaths and/or atheists and/or pusher-or-likely-consumer of Big Pharma drugs, but not so much those in the middle? (Surgeons/psychiatrists/pilots/truckers/pigs/cashiers/workers) The 50-25%/25-10% bracket seems like the "sweet spot" in avoiding the most vices, whilst reaping the most rewards. It's a liveable wage, yet without the microscopic focus of society and less idle time for "the-devil's-playground". "Middle America"/the middle-class is also, coincidentally, the target of the socialists/communists and corporatocracy who wants to homogenize their captive audiences, thus, make money despite themselves ("tell" people what they want, when, in fact, and in contrast to, "the customer always being right").
Taxation is theft!
Addendum 2: It goes hand-in-hand with politics, a.k.a. "poly-ticks". It's what H.L.Mencken wrote about: an "advance auction sale of stolen goods" for popularity contests!
It's like "Beowulf" and other vikings (or "Mandalorians"), sitting around a campfire, telling tales of their "victories" in order to become the next "Mandalore"/leader of the tribe, to attempt to satiate their insecurities! Whomever can round up enough druggies and put them behind bars, wins, even if "Poppy"Bush has to entrap one out of thin air just to go on TV and say there was cocaine across the street from the White House as an excuse to "go to war" (everything the State has, it stole, after all), straight out of "Emperor Palpatine's playbook".
All "politics" is is the impressment of "Dark Triad Psychology" upon the otherwise free market!
All for now. Thanks for posting and reading (if one made it this far, that is; yes, this user can be quite loquacious at times). Peace, Luv, Logic, Truth, and Anarchy (a.k.a. anarcho-capitalism, a.k.a. the logical conclusion of libertarianism, a.k.a. voluntar(y)ism, a.k.a. that which is underpinned by Austrian/Misesian Economics, the one, TRUE school of Economic thought, being that Marxism, Fabian Socialism, Keynesianism, distributism, and yes, even MiltonFriedman-backed, classically-liberal, Chicago/UCLA-School "laissez-faire" economics go too far, make no sense, and, ultimately, are self-defeating in-Nature)!
Is the author of this piece/substack "FilthyHeretic" from "BackAlley Productions" with "EsoTheFree/EsotericEntity", or is the turtle character just a coincidence?
This user just discovered this substack by seeing the sample post on the "Counter_Economics" subreddit whilst visiting it on a mere whim this morning while waiting for something to occur, elsewhere. Was just in the process of replying to it on there, when seeing the substack link and remembering that this user may be shadowbanned from most of reddit (as usual) and their posts are not always seen, but a reply to the substack-proper would likely be seen (probability being analyzed, again).
Here's what this user's response was on the subreddit (regardless of whether it shows up there or not):
Life, at least as/for what passes for a "human being" (regardless of whether said "humanity" is an amalgamation of other races intermixing or not -- "race", of course, not being a "sOcIaL-CoNsTrUcT" as the Left/State want people to believe; the Negroids are originally from the Sirius-B star system, and many Pacific Asians live in huts shaped like their progenitor's starships, for example) is about the measuring of PROBABILITY and depending on one's individual choices, or perhaps mental conditions (autism, thrill-seekers, etc.), making a decision to gamble on probabilities for certain things at certain thresholds.
As AdamBaratta of "Gold Is A Better Way" said on at least one affiliated "Revealed Films" video with Dr. PatrickGentempo, several years ago, humans can't grasp exponential growth (so, for example, the rate of inflation isn't prominent in everyone's minds).
In the OP above, the author says that people would/should avoid risks and minimize collateral and vices, and gauge the content of a would-be receiver of a loan before granting one.
That may be the way for "Homo economicus", but "Homo economicus" is not what this species, or amalgamation of species is, in its entirety, as some people, for example, women and non-Caucasians, are traditionally/usually more empathetic than men, who are more logical, as the Left/State know and prey upon this fact (thus, why the Left/State are comprised of more women and minorities than the libertarian/AnCap sphere-of-influence at-large).
SOME INVESTORS....ARE more interested in (or at least, not always against the idea of) "maximizing upside" than they are in "minimizing downside". In short, many people are gamblers. Life and living life is, itself, a gamble. "Is one going to die after getting up and out of bed in the morning by stepping on a nail or should they stay in-bed with their insecurities?" Some people are paranoid and some people are not. Some people are nihilists and don't care at all, or made-sociopaths or born-psychopaths who "have no yesterdays" (regrets/empathy).
For some investors who are in a bad spot, who are in poverty and sick of it or otherwise are irrational from external or internal stimuli (cancer, oppression by a gang, etc.) will choose to prioritize "chasing the dragon" and "carrot-on-a-stick" and maximize upside, perhaps at the risk of not minimizing the downside. The Left, State (as a construct) and Central Banks themselves are all caused by, and cause in-turn, irrational behavior by and for those with high-time preference, and they all succumb to "The Shirky Principle" in the end (they create problems for themselves and their supposed protectorate/subscriber in order to stay in-business and retain the faith of the protectorate/subscriber in a grand grift).
[Aside: Am not advocating either way, all the time, am just responding with the fact of the matter to an otherwise very well-written OP; if one is in space, in a failing starship, sometimes risks need to be taken, for example, like the "Ebon Hawk" firing on the volatile asteroid field, blowing up "Peragus" to escape the wannabe-"Sith" who commandeered an old "Republic" battleship and are looking for the player character in "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords", as opposed to playing it safe and risking the cruiser destroying the Ebon Hawk in the asteroid field]
This OP definitely looks like it came from someone who watches their "Shark Tank" and "Dragon's Den" shows! Am also a "fan" of the shows, at least, the concept and some of the products and services featured on them over the decades, just not all the "Sharks" or "Dragons" and their behavior, sometimes. MarkCuban is smart, but also an idiot at-times and with the Democrips and insulted Bitcoin/crypto fans and called them "freaks" and LoriGrenier and ArleneDickinson are just disgusting. /tangent
Anyways, this user has to cut this response short, as, just while typing this, this user was summoned to be somewhere and has to go for now.
Liked the "shame towards the past is an idicator of progress" post, because few realize that "shame" is as much of a "gift" as it can be construed as anything else, and those shameless people are slow to, if at all capable of, learning and growing and establishing and strengthening investor confidence, thus, contributing to irrational and self-destructive behavior that sends shock-waves and causes an "equal and opposite reaction", per the scientific law. Thus, the Left/State who CLAIM to be "pro-science" are NOT, in actuality, pro-science. In some cases, the religious nutjobs are more scientifically-sound than these individuals! Later!
EDIT: Am back.
Addendum 1: None of these professions listed above interest this user. Wanna be a prowrestler, football player, martial-arts fighter, real news journalist/manager/business-owner, crypto-investor/miner, bettor, private investigator/bodyguard, adventurer/explorer, the final president in U.S. history before anarchy, helping usher in "AnCapistan" from the inside, pro-gamer, actor/writer/director, and agorist/expatriate/permanent-traveler, perhaps dabble in farming/cooking, among maybe a few other things.
Notice how some of the top-earning (and least-earning) professions on this list seem to contain a large amount of (perhaps almost as a prerequisite) born-psychopaths and/or made-sociopaths and/or atheists and/or pusher-or-likely-consumer of Big Pharma drugs, but not so much those in the middle? (Surgeons/psychiatrists/pilots/truckers/pigs/cashiers/workers) The 50-25%/25-10% bracket seems like the "sweet spot" in avoiding the most vices, whilst reaping the most rewards. It's a liveable wage, yet without the microscopic focus of society and less idle time for "the-devil's-playground". "Middle America"/the middle-class is also, coincidentally, the target of the socialists/communists and corporatocracy who wants to homogenize their captive audiences, thus, make money despite themselves ("tell" people what they want, when, in fact, and in contrast to, "the customer always being right").
Taxation is theft!
Addendum 2: It goes hand-in-hand with politics, a.k.a. "poly-ticks". It's what H.L.Mencken wrote about: an "advance auction sale of stolen goods" for popularity contests!
It's like "Beowulf" and other vikings (or "Mandalorians"), sitting around a campfire, telling tales of their "victories" in order to become the next "Mandalore"/leader of the tribe, to attempt to satiate their insecurities! Whomever can round up enough druggies and put them behind bars, wins, even if "Poppy"Bush has to entrap one out of thin air just to go on TV and say there was cocaine across the street from the White House as an excuse to "go to war" (everything the State has, it stole, after all), straight out of "Emperor Palpatine's playbook".
All "politics" is is the impressment of "Dark Triad Psychology" upon the otherwise free market!
All for now. Thanks for posting and reading (if one made it this far, that is; yes, this user can be quite loquacious at times). Peace, Luv, Logic, Truth, and Anarchy (a.k.a. anarcho-capitalism, a.k.a. the logical conclusion of libertarianism, a.k.a. voluntar(y)ism, a.k.a. that which is underpinned by Austrian/Misesian Economics, the one, TRUE school of Economic thought, being that Marxism, Fabian Socialism, Keynesianism, distributism, and yes, even MiltonFriedman-backed, classically-liberal, Chicago/UCLA-School "laissez-faire" economics go too far, make no sense, and, ultimately, are self-defeating in-Nature)!
Is the author of this piece/substack "FilthyHeretic" from "BackAlley Productions" with "EsoTheFree/EsotericEntity", or is the turtle character just a coincidence?